Goodbye Europe

Our trip thru the city’s labyrinth of canals, cool bridges and hidden corners. No serenade but was still enchanting and soooo romantic 🥰 

What an experience  I’ve probably said that more than once on this trip but it just is. The scenic views, the beauty, the charm of Venice is a memorable adventure. 

One thing we haven’t done is to simply get a slice of pizza as if we were on the New Jersey boardwalk

We stop at a place near our hotel  Well, it may have been the best pizza we’ve ever had

So how do you describe your feelings at the end of a vacation  I’m sad the fun is going to end. I’m sad this is the end of seeing new places, new experiences, relaxing and doing things we loved  It’s time to say goodbye to Greece and Italy  But I’m excited to be going home again. The ol’ routine. Play ball with my boy Koba, get upset Juju is barking at everything and everyone,  go back to the gym, play a round of golf, eat a bowl of Cheerios. Grab a Dunkin’  Ahh, simple pleasures  Isn’t life great!


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